10-Point Checklist to Prepare Your Yacht for the Upcoming Season

10-Point Checklist to Prepare Your Yacht for the Upcoming Season

As we eagerly anticipate the warmth of the sun and the thrill of setting sail once again, now is the perfect time to prepare your yacht for the upcoming season. Whether your vessel has been in winter storage or resting dockside for a few months, a little preparation ensures smooth and trouble-free cruising. To help you prepare, I’ve compiled a comprehensive 10-point ...
Picking Power: Cruising the Great Loop on a Motor Yacht

Picking Power: Cruising the Great Loop on a Motor Yacht

Last year, David Walters Yachts broker Marty Loftus and his wife purchased a 43' Marine Trader in St. Augustine, FL and dubbed it NIL CAILTTE. The name means "not lost" in Gaelic and is a reference ...
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