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Chris Tracey - Seller of Beneteau 461

Amanda Noon 0 COMMENTSs

It has been my good fortune to have met Derek Jarvis a bit over two years ago . I was then in the process of looking to purchase a sailboat and had been looking for several months. I called Denison Yachts and shortly thereafter met Derek at the boat ,which was located in Ft Lauderdale. I liked the boat and found Derek to be very knowledgeable about the boat and it’s systems. There was a co listing agent who I met on a second visit. I did not find this agent to be as knowledgeable about the boat. On a third visit I met again with Derek who had the boat cleaned and looking good.

While the second sales agent was my contact through the purchasing process. I can say she was not the person who sold me the boat. Derek thorough explanations and professionalism were what sold me the boat. I felt I was in good hands with Derek and trusted his opinions and judgement. Derek captained the boat through the survey. His knowledge of sailing and boats in general were very evident. On several occasions after the purchase he came to the boat on his own time help me out with a few minor issues. He even helped out with a few mechanical issues. I wanted to pay him,but he refused. I always knew if I had a question about repairs, I could call him. .

About a year later, I decided to sell the boat. I also decided I was going to move it out of the Ft Lauderdale area, which was 60 plus miles away from my home. I listed the boat with a new broker who lived near me and the area where I was going to move the boat. Unfortunately, I could not find an affordable slip and ended up keeping the boat in Ft Lauderdale. My new broker was also knowledgeable about sailing and sailboats. However, over the course of the next year my experiences with this salesperson were very disappointing. In over a year of listing with this broker I had only one offer on the boat and that was a low ball offer. I found my new broker to have little knowledge about the boat. I felt he was not a go getter and seemed to lack enthusiasm about actively trying to sell the boat.. Shortly after the summer,I decided to let the broker go. I immediately called Derek to see if he would take the listing. He said yes. We met at the boat and he was very optimistic about selling it. He even said “I’ll sell this boat by January.” I was very encouraged with Dereks positive attitude. Immediately, more people began looking at the boat.

By mid December -just about a month after he took the listing he got an offer and helped negotiate a workable price. During the purchase process I had a few issues with the boat. Once again Derek went above and beyond to help me resolve the problems.

I can’t tell you how fortunate I was to have worked with Derek again .He is a top shelf sales person, who has extensive knowledge of boats. I later found out Derek has been around the world sailing. He is professional, very positive and enthusiastic. He is reliable and very trustworthy. He is a kind and humble man.

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